Example 2: I always buy things because I need them. First of all, the costs of university life are borne(负担)by my parents. The family’s economic constraints(限制)do not allow me to buy any unwanted things. During the last vacation, I got a part-time job, and I come to realize that every penny is hard-earned(来之不易)and every penny should be used in a sensible way. Second, some ads are quite one-sided. If I really need some wares, I will be very careful to do a good investigation(调查) before I determine to buy them shown in the ads, because many products in ads look gorgeous(极好的,绚丽的)and even more attractive so that they appeal to more consumers. Very often the product you buy may not be so good as you think or as you see in the ads. Therefore, I prefer to buy the things I truly need, and treat the ads dialectically(辩证地).

Brief Comment(简评):显而易见,Example 2在购物时首先考虑的是自身经济状况,对广告宣传的产品也是持辩证的态度,是位非常谨慎的消费者。不可否认,品质好的广告会刺激人的消费欲望,而有些广告则暗示你消费它,你就与众不同,有档次或是有身份。

