Example 2:We always hear somebody say like this:having a bosom friend is one of the nicest things in life. A bosom friend knows you from top to toe(从头到脚), and he can share everything with you.
But along with our growth, we find that fewer and fewer people care much about us, maybe because they are always busy, or we can not meet the needs of their interests ,and they don’t want to waste any time on us. There are so many reasons that always confuse us, and we just ask ourselves, Why?
Of course, we should admit that, the competition is so fierce today. We assume(承担)too much pressure and we need to study hard, work hard so that we can keep up with the society. Therefore, we ignore many important things, such as bosom friends.
So I think it is more difficult to make a bosom friend when one is grown up than before.
Brief Comment: Example 2显然也承认,人越长大越孤独,知心的朋友越少。面对复杂的人际关系,人人都渴望有几个知心朋友一诉衷肠。或许我们可以从自身找找原因,有许多事情不愿意和朋友坦诚相待,导致朋友之间产生了隔阂。