Example 4: I believe environmental protection is as important as economic development, and the balance between them can also be achieved if we can recognize the importance of environmental protection. We should not only pursue the immediate benefits. Our fast-growing economy is built on the basis of a good environment. If the base is destroyed, then the speed of economic development would slow down. What we should do to keep the balance is to focus on the sustainable development. Nowadays, the Green GDP becomes a new standard of economic development. A few years ago our president put forward the strategy of sustainable development. The general public, especially the enterprises, must follow this guideline(指导方针), and not destroy our beautiful environment.

Brief Comment:四个回答无论从言语组织还是思想内容方面都不错,可以借鉴。Example 1以问句形式表明在经济发展与环境保护之间很难做一个周全的选择,只有不断完善技术,开发新能源才能较好地平衡二者的关系:Example 2明确指出环境保护更重要,如以牺牲环境为代价一味追求经济发展是不明智的,环保意识应扎根于每个人心中,因为态度决定一切:Example 3则认为两者对社会建设同等重要,而全球环境正逐渐恶化,亟待解决。Example 4重点强调可持续发展战略对均衡经济发展与环境保护的重要性,条理分明,用词确切。

