Example 2Anytime and anywhere, we could find some people smoking. In general, the number of male smokers is larger than that of female ones. Now experts have found that those who have a habit of smoking are more likely to get cancer than non-smokers. The chemical substances existing in cigarettes do a great harm to our bodies* health, which can lead to a high blood pressure(血压)and even coronary heart diseases(冠心病)or other heart attacks(心脏病). As the number of people who are suffering from cancer increases very fast in recent years, more and more people including doctors, experts, administrators start to become concerned with smoking.

According to some statistics(数据统计)released by our governments, smoking has become one of the biggest threats to our health. But thousands of smokers haven’t been aware of this problem, they can't live even one-day's time without cigarettes. It is a small thing which may eventually become the killer of our body. So it is the time we took action and gave special attention to smoking.

Brief Comment:相比较而言, Example 1的回答比较简单,主要谈及了吸烟的危害,并以大 学生为例,而且有数字证明,但是没有展开论述; Example 2的回答比较全面。吸烟 人群中男性比例远远高于女性。烟草里的化学物质对身体的危害非常大,吸烟者更 容易患各种癌症,甚至最后死亡。根据官方的数据显示,吸烟已成为健康的最大危 害之一。因此吸烟作为一个社会问题迫切需要引起我们的注意,我们应该采取行动 禁止吸烟。

