Example 2It was a serious problem, and everyone knows that not only China but also the whole world is suffering from more and more traffic problems. There are millions of people hurting or even dying in the traffic accident every year.

Some people are not so careful when they drive on the road, while others drink too much and there are more and more private cars in the world. Traffic problem becomes the biggest concern of many countries in the world, because of not only the environmental pollution caused by the gas and noise , but also the safety issue it takes to people.

At first, the transport polices must work very hard to stop the driver who drinks too much. Secondly, a government should encourage the use of public transport and limit the ownership of private cars, which can make the road not so busy to reduce traffic problems. It may take a lot of time to solve this problem, but I think we can settle it.

Brief Comment: Example 1回答的是目前的住房问题。一方面,房子价格居高不下,另一方面,人们没有足够的购房能力。答题者在第二部分分析了造成这种现象的原因,如房地产商的投机心理和大力炒作,消费者提前消费意识的提高,政府鼓励通过银行贷款 购房。最后一部分陈述了解决的方案,如政府应该加强宏观调控等;Example 2回答 的是当今另一个热门的话题——交通问题,我们在第一部分和第三部分都有很多涉及,这里就不再赘述。

