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When it comes to comparing men and women in terms of potential, ability, capacity, prospects, intelligence and some other considerations, oftentimes, there is no consensus, [...]

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由   admin  撰写于    浏览:781  评论:0
Song Xi, a 24-year-old nurse, is planning her trip to Germany, but the preparations have been far from easy. She has only been abroad once before, to Vietnam, and this time he[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:610  评论:0
Many give up their careers in China because of low pay and few benefits Nurse Song Yan would have sought a job in another country if not for her family and child. "I work[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:1068  评论:0
Program taps Chinese nurses to plug staffing shortages in the West A young Chinese nurse boarded a flight on Aug 3 to start living her dream. The 25-year-old, who specializes [...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:736  评论:0
China is planning to open more Confucius Institutes to teach traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) overseas in order to promote this age-old medical science, deemed the essence o[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:970  评论:0
The Philippines welcomes China's Belt and Road Initiative policy, an ambitious effort to link Asia, Europe and Africa through the construction of massive infrastructure such a[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:714  评论:0
- Member profile Health Volunteers Overseas (HVO) is a private non-profit organization based in Washington D.C. committed to improving healthcare in developing countries throu[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:670  评论:0
Editor's Note: Over the course of time, I have come to see how easy it is to believe that what we believe and what we do medically in the United States must generally be the w[...]