由   admin  撰写于    浏览:584  评论:0
Example 2:One of the environmental problems that we found is deforesting(砍伐森林).Huge amounts of trees have been cut down in order to provide food for the world's growing po[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:605  评论:0
Example 2:It was a serious problem, and everyone knows that not only China but also the whole world is suffering from more and more traffic problems. There are millions of peo[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:602  评论:0
Example 2: The Olympic Games is a huge international sports event, which is held every four years and attended by nearly all countries. The Olympic Games is thought as the mos[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:456  评论:0
Example 2:As society is developing faster and faster, more and more people are able to afford to buy cars. However, the increasing private cars have brought many problems to u[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:475  评论:0
Brief Comment:这道题目的回答和上述题目一样,没有惟一答案,我们的道路虽然是曲折的,但前途应该是光明的,只要大家齐心协力就一定能改善交通。Example 1的回答一开头明确指出自己不确信,但坦言自己感觉得到改善。回答还是比较严谨的。交通的改善是需要一定时间和周期的,可能会反复,但前景是美好的。最后指出地铁在改善 交通方面起到的举足轻重的[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:434  评论:0
Brief Comment: Example 1第一位答题者在首句就点明了自己的态度,即是乐观的,但前提 是从长远来看。当人们开始意识到我们正在面临着真正危机的时候,问题的解决就有了希望。但是,现在人们似乎还没有意识到这一点,拖拖拉拉,并未采取实际行动;Example 2的回答比较充分,而且比较自信。首段提出了一系列环境问题,接着第二段回答了就自己[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:479  评论:0
Example 2:Anytime and anywhere, we could find some people smoking. In general, the number of male smokers is larger than that of female ones. Now experts have found that those[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:474  评论:0
Brief Comment:这两位答题者分别用不同的思路回答问题。Example 1点明了社会生活中各个领域存在的问题,在环境领域存在土地盐碱化和沙漠化、空气污染和水污染以及 水土流失等问题;农村交通发展落后而大城市交通拥挤是一个存在于交通领域的问 题;城市和农村的教育发展不平衡是存在于教育领域的一个问题。考生的逻辑层次比较清晰,分析全面; Exa[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:542  评论:0
基于中国日报的五篇报道,including @ Recurs go all out following bus plunge in Chongqing; More than 10 on Chongqing bus that plunged into Yangzi River; Bus wreck retrieved from river in SW[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:534  评论:0
请在空格处填写一个恰当的词(介词或副词)。Rescuers go all out following bus plunge in ChongqingCHONGQING, Oct. 28 -- A bus with a dozen passengers onboard suddenly veered 1.____ onto the wrong sid[...]