由   admin  撰写于    浏览:489  评论:0
Example 3: Pressure may come from anywhere at any possible time. Some pres­sure can be predicted and you could make adequate preparation, such as pressure resulting from compe[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:558  评论:0
Brief Comment(简评):Example 1选取东西方人们对信仰的不同认识为切入点,例证生动,趣味性很强;Example 2很坦率,分享了朋友去韩国时的见闻。尽管是间接感受,但答题者非常用心,从生活方式、生活习惯、社会现象等各方面都做了仔细了解,找到了其中的不同之处。在回答中,也注意运用了关联词,体现出了一定的层次。当然,如能对这些现象所[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:590  评论:0
Example 4: When traveling, I like buying some souvenirs. I just buy those interesting and typical(典型,象征性的)ones. After all, there are always so many kinds of souvenirs in a sce[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:489  评论:0
Brief Comment(简评):新疆幅员辽阔、物产富饶,既有美丽的自然风光,又有迷人的民族风情;九寨沟被誉为人间仙境,是一个不见纤尘、神奇莫测的旷世胜地;萨尔茨堡是阿尔卑斯山脉的门庭,奥地利音乐艺术中心,是音乐天才莫扎特的诞生地,所以答题者的选择也是众人向往之处。Example 1从新疆的自然特色、本土特产(Turpan grapes &[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:505  评论:0
Example 2: Frankly speaking, I think some cultures really do better in certain fields. In other words, they specialize in(专长于)and perhaps achieve more or even dominate these a[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:418  评论:0
Example 3: What I am gonna say is that I have not watched so many films so far. But the time I watched The Shawshank Redemption in the cinema several years ago, I was greatly [...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:530  评论:0
Example 3: The most popular sport in China is ping-pong which is our national pride, because it’s suitable for Chinese people’s constitutions(体质,体格). Besides, a lot of excelle[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:497  评论:0
Example 2: It was the holiday of the National Day in 2018 when Dad drove Mum and I to Mount Pan in Tianjin. As it was the first holiday since I entered the high school where I[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:545  评论:0
Example 2: In my opinion, one’s hobbies can tell a great deal about what kind of personality he has. A person’s character can be various: optimistic or pessimistic, out­going [...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:538  评论:0
Example 2: With the development of society, people are gradually paying closer attention to their health. In order to keep fit, they need to have an option for a healthy life [...]