由   admin  撰写于    浏览:478  评论:0
Task 21. A      2. B       3. A           4. C       5. B  6[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:456  评论:0
Task 1 1. investigating  2. exposure  3. negative                     [...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:396  评论:0

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:584  评论:0
Brief Comment:对于口袋问题的回答,需要一定的技巧。仅仅依靠关联词将一些现象铺陈下来,提出相应的建议是不够的,注重内在关联是不可忽视的一个方面。相比Example 1而言,Example 2在对保护地球策略的分析上,内在关联更为明显,从树立意识到脚踏实地,以及反对污染等具体措施,使考官更为容易理解和接受;后两位答题者则突出显示以小见大的[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:516  评论:0
Example 3: Along with the fast development of our society and the economy, more and more cars are being made and bought.     , on one hand it is a true pro[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:535  评论:0
Example 3: We live on the earth, and we are children of our Mother Nature. Our Mother selflessly offers so many things to us to live a better life. But we just want more and m[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:568  评论:0
Example 4: As we all know,animals are our friends. We human beings would feel lonely without them. The earth doesn't only belong to us, but also to the animals and the pla[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:584  评论:0
Example 2: Yes! I think human beings are so arrogant that they look down on creatures except themselves. If God didn't grant man the high IQ and the creativity, the condit[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:537  评论:0
Example 3: Weather can affect many things. Besides the growth of corn and the quality of air, it can also affect human emotions. Different weather conditions may provide diffe[...]

由   admin  撰写于    浏览:558  评论:0
Brief Comment:三个回答描述生动,且都提到了各自对环境问题的看法,使问题立意得以升华。Example 1详细叙述了家乡的河水污染情况及其治理,建议大家要像爱护自己的眼睛一样呵护周围环境;Example 2对家乡的沙尘暴天气十分忧虑并号召环境保护应从自我做起;Example 3通过选取若干例子为人们敲响了警钟,环境污染已经威胁到人们的健康[...]